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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

[99mTc]diphosphonate uptake and hemodynamics in experimental arthritis: effect of naproxen in the canine carrageenan injection model.

The impact of naproxen treatment on juxta-articular hemodynamics and bone metabolism in experimental juvenile arthritis was studied in the articular carrageenan injection model. Unilateral gonarthritis was induced for 12 weeks in eight dogs receiving naproxen (dosage, 2 mg/kg) and eight controls. Regional blood flow was assessed by the microsphere method, plasma volume by the distribution space of [125I]fibrinogen, and bone metabolism by the 2-h uptake of [99mTc]diphosphonate ([99mTc]DPD). Synovial effusion was less prominent with naproxen treatment as judged by joint fluid volume and pressure. Naproxen reduced the arthritic capsular hyperemia, almost normalized a severe blood flow increase in patella and both juxta-articular epiphyses, ameliorated an expansion of plasma volume in the patella and the distal femoral epiphysis, and normalized an increased [99mTc]DPD uptake in subchondral femoral bone and the tibial cortex. Significantly increased arteriovenous shunting in the arthritic extremity was unaffected by naproxen. The study suggests that long-term cyclooxygenase inhibition offers protection against hemodynamic and metabolic changes in juxta-articular bone secondary to synovial inflammation.[1]


  1. [99mTc]diphosphonate uptake and hemodynamics in experimental arthritis: effect of naproxen in the canine carrageenan injection model. Hansen, E.S., He, S.Z., Søballe, K., Kjølseth, D., Henriksen, T.B., Hjortdal, V.E., Bünger, C. J. Orthop. Res. (1992) [Pubmed]
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