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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

IL-2-induced CD4+ T-cell expansion in HIV-infected patients is associated with long-term decreases in T-cell proliferation.

Administration of interleukin 2 (IL-2) leads to selective and sustained CD4+ T-cell expansions in patients infected with HIV. It has been hypothesized that persistent CD4+ T-cell proliferation is the primary mechanism maintaining these expansions. T-cell proliferation was studied by ex vivo bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation and intracellular Ki67 staining in HIV-infected patients treated with antiretroviral therapy (ART) with or without IL-2. In contrast to the tested hypothesis, HIV-infected patients treated with IL-2 had lower CD4+ T-cell proliferation compared to patients treated with ART alone. Independently of viral load changes, administration of IL-2 led to a decrease in basal CD4+ T-cell proliferation. Total numbers of CD4+ T cells with naive and recall, but not effector, memory phenotype were increased. The degree of CD4+ T-cell expansion correlated with the decreases in proliferation and a strong association was seen between these decreases and the expansion of the CD4+/CD25+ subset. Intermittent IL-2 in HIV-infected patients leads to expansions of CD4+/CD25+ T cells with naive and recall memory phenotypes that strongly correlate with decreases in proliferation. These data suggest that decreased T-cell proliferation is central in the CD4+ T-cell expansions induced by IL-2.[1]


  1. IL-2-induced CD4+ T-cell expansion in HIV-infected patients is associated with long-term decreases in T-cell proliferation. Sereti, I., Anthony, K.B., Martinez-Wilson, H., Lempicki, R., Adelsberger, J., Metcalf, J.A., Hallahan, C.W., Follmann, D., Davey, R.T., Kovacs, J.A., Lane, H.C. Blood (2004) [Pubmed]
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