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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Dysregulated FcepsilonRI signaling and altered Fyn and SHIP activities in Lyn-deficient mast cells.

Studies in B cells from Lyn-deficient mice have identified Lyn as both a kinetic accelerator and negative regulator of signaling through the BCR. The signaling properties of bone marrow-derived mast cells from Lyn(-/-) mice (Lyn(-/-) BMMCs) have also been explored, but their signaling phenotype remains controversial. We confirm that Lyn(-/-) BMMCs release more beta-hexosaminidase than wild-type BMMCs following FcepsilonRI cross-linking and show that multiple mast cell responses to FcepsilonRI cross-linking (the phosphorylation of receptor subunits and other proteins, the activation of phospholipase Cgamma isoforms, the mobilization of Ca(2+), the synthesis of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate, the activation of the alpha(4)beta(1) integrin, VLA-4) are slow to initiate in Lyn(-/-) BMMCs, but persist far longer than in wild-type cells. Mechanistic studies revealed increased basal as well as stimulated phosphorylation of the Src kinase, Fyn, in Lyn(-/-) BMMCs. Conversely, there was very little basal or stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation or activity of the inositol phosphatase, SHIP, in Lyn(-/-) BMMCs. We speculate that Fyn may substitute (inefficiently) for Lyn in signal initiation in Lyn(-/-) BMMCs. The loss of SHIP phosphorylation and activity very likely contributes to the increased levels of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate and the excess FcepsilonRI signaling in Lyn(-/-) BMMCs. The unexpected absence of the transient receptor potential channel, Trpc4, from Lyn(-/-) BMMCs may additionally contribute to their altered signaling properties.[1]


  1. Dysregulated FcepsilonRI signaling and altered Fyn and SHIP activities in Lyn-deficient mast cells. Hernandez-Hansen, V., Smith, A.J., Surviladze, Z., Chigaev, A., Mazel, T., Kalesnikoff, J., Lowell, C.A., Krystal, G., Sklar, L.A., Wilson, B.S., Oliver, J.M. J. Immunol. (2004) [Pubmed]
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