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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Cattle and sheep use different promoters to direct the expression of the aromatase cytochrome P450 encoding gene, Cyp19, during pregnancy.

Gestagens and oestrogens are important regulators of pregnancy and parturition. The aim of the present study was the comparative quantification of steroidogenic transcripts in placenta and corpus luteum of cattle and sheep during pregnancy and post partum. Cyp19 transcript variants, derived from different promoters, as well as transcripts of Hsd3b, Cyp11A1, and Cyp17, encoding the steroidogenic enzymes P450arom, 3beta-HSD, P450SCC, and P450C17, respectively, were quantified by newly developed real-time PCR assays. All steroidogenic transcripts were detected in ovine and bovine corpus luteum and placenta during pregnancy, however at a very different concentration. In both species Cyp11A1 and especially Hsd3b transcripts predominated in corpus luteum, outnumbering transcripts of Cyp17 and Cyp19 by more than two and three orders of magnitude, respectively. Cyp19 transcript were found at high concentration in the placenta and at a very low concentration in corpus luteum. Cyp17 transcripts had a relatively low concentration in both, placenta and corpus luteum, however showed a peak of expression in the ovine and bovine term placenta. Tissue- and species-specific Cyp19 transcripts derived from different promoters were detected. In order to map all promoters, the bovine Cyp19 locus was reconstructed by in silico analysis. In the placenta, transcripts were primarily derived from the proximal promoter P1.5 in sheep, but from the distally located P1.1 in cattle. Corpora lutea of both species predominantly expressed P1.1 derived transcripts. Contrary to the bovine, the sheep corpus luteum also showed considerable P1.5 derived expression. This demonstrates that cattle and sheep use different promoters to direct Cyp19 expression during pregnancy.[1]


  1. Cattle and sheep use different promoters to direct the expression of the aromatase cytochrome P450 encoding gene, Cyp19, during pregnancy. Vanselow, J., Fürbass, R., Rehbock, F., Klautschek, G., Schwerin, M. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. (2004) [Pubmed]
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