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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Telomere-related markers for the pseudoautosomal region of the mouse genome.

The pseudoautosomal (PA) region of the mammalian genome is the region of the X and Y chromosomes that shares extensive DNA sequence homology and is of special interest because it may play an essential role during male meiosis. We have identified three telomere-related restriction fragments from the PA region of the mouse genome, using an oligonucleotide probe composed of the mammalian telomere consensus sequence TTAGGG. PA assignment of two C57BL/6J-derived fragments was initially suggested by analysis of DNAs from progeny sired by C57BL/6J males carrying the rearranged Y chromosome, Y*: the hybridization intensity of both fragments was concordant with the sex-chromosome complement of the offspring. Further analysis indicated that both fragments were present in female and male F1, mice regardless of the sex of their C57BL/6J parent--a criterion for autosomal or PA linkage. Both fragments were closely linked to each other and located on the X chromosome distal to amelogenin (Amg)--in agreement with X or PA linkage. Confirmation of the PA derivation of these fragments was accomplished by following their segregation in a cross involving XY* males mated to DBA/2J females. A similar experiment identified a third PA-derived restriction fragment of LT/SvEi origin. Identification of PA-derived telomere-related restriction fragments will enable further genetic analysis of this region of the mouse genome.[1]


  1. Telomere-related markers for the pseudoautosomal region of the mouse genome. Eicher, E.M., Lee, B.K., Washburn, L.L., Hale, D.W., King, T.R. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1992) [Pubmed]
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