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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The extent of akinesis is predictive of the in-hospital mortality from endoaneurysmorrhaphy.

Endoaneurysmorrhaphy (EAR) has become an important therapeutic option in the treatment of patients with left ventricular (LV) aneurysm and congestive heart failure. Today, more and more patients are referred for EAR with a dilated akinetic LV rather than a classic dyskinetic LV aneurysm. Little is known about the contribution of the extent of akinesis to perioperative mortality.We reviewed the data of 147 patients with anterior left ventricular aneurysms undergoing EAR. Seventy percent of the patients were male; mean age was 62+/-9 years. Demographic, hemodynamic, angiographic and surgical variables were analyzed using univariate statistic tests in order to determine risk factors for in-hospital mortality.Eighty-two percent of the LV aneurysms had at least some dyskinesia, but 70% were mainly akinetic. 133 patients had additional bypass surgery, one had additional mitral valve replacement. In-hospital mortality was 4.1% (n=6). Risk factors for in-hospital mortality were the total extent of akinetic myocardium (p=0.027) in the 30 degrees RAO view and the duration of cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB, p=0.0068) which was itself dependent on the LV ejection fraction (p=0.001), the number of stenosed coronary arteries (p=0.004), and the extent of akinesis (p=0.023). The extent of dyskinesia was not associated with either perioperative mortality (p=0.36) or CPB duration.EAR can be performed with acceptable perioperative results. Because akinesis increases in many patients with time, and because the duration of ECC was dependent on variables reflecting the severity of the underlying heart disease, our findings underscore the importance of optimal timing for the surgical intervention.[1]


  1. The extent of akinesis is predictive of the in-hospital mortality from endoaneurysmorrhaphy. Bechtel, J.F., Tölg, R., Robinson, D.R., Graf, B., Richardt, G., Sievers, H.H., Kraatz, E.G. Zeitschrift für Kardiologie. (2005) [Pubmed]
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