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The roles of teaching hospitals, insurance status, and race/ethnicity in receipt of adjuvant therapy for regional-stage breast cancer in Florida.

OBJECTIVES: We examined the roles of teaching hospitals, insurance status, and race/ ethnicity in women's receipt of adjuvant therapy for regional-stage breast cancer. METHODS: Data were taken from the Florida Cancer Data System for cases diagnosed from July 1997 to December 2000. We evaluated the impact of health insurance status and hospital type on use of adjuvant therapy (after adjustment for age, race/ethnicity, and marital status). Interaction terms for hospital type, insurance status, and race/ethnicity were entered in each model. RESULTS: Teaching facilities diagnosed 12.5% of the cases; however, they cared for a disproportionate percentage (21.3%) of uninsured and Medicaid-insured women. Among women who received adjuvant chemotherapy only, those diagnosed in teaching hospitals were more likely than those diagnosed in nonteaching hospitals to receive therapy regardless of insurance status or race/ethnicity. Among women who received chemotherapy with or without hormonal therapy, Hispanics were more likely than White non-Hispanic women to receive therapy, whereas women with private insurance or Medicare were less likely than uninsured and Medicaid-insured women to receive this type of therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Teaching facilities play an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of regional-stage breast cancer among Hispanics, uninsured women, and women insured by Medicaid.[1]


  1. The roles of teaching hospitals, insurance status, and race/ethnicity in receipt of adjuvant therapy for regional-stage breast cancer in Florida. Richardson, L.C., Tian, L., Voti, L., Hartzema, A.G., Reis, I., Fleming, L.E., Mackinnon, J. American journal of public health. (2006) [Pubmed]
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