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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Gene expression profiling of renal dysfunction in rats with experimental cirrhosis.

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Renal dysfunction is a frequent complication in advanced cirrhosis. The mechanisms underlying this complication have classically been addressed through conventional methods of study of candidate genes, but never on a genome-wide scale. In this investigation, we used microarrays to monitor global gene expression changes in the kidney of cirrhotic rats. METHODS: Renal samples were obtained from control and carbon tetrachloride-induced cirrhotic rats. RNA samples were reverse-transcribed into Cy5-labeled cDNA, combined with a Cy3-labeled reference and hybridized to oligonucleotide microarrays. Microarrays were scanned in a Genepix 4000B and data analyzed by Luminator v2.0 software. RESULTS: A total of 620 genes were differentially regulated (354 up and 266 down) in the cirrhotic kidney, accounting for approximately 11% of all analyzed transcripts. Functional grouping of these genes revealed that 47 were related to the category of vascular tone and 85 to transporters/channels. Among these, we identified genes and pathways already associated with renal dysfunction as well as a new subset of genes previously unknown to participate in this complication, including a G protein-coupled receptor that binds apelin, a protein phosphatase (calcineurin B) and a number of neuropeptide receptors and growth factors. CONCLUSIONS: These findings furnish new data for mechanistic investigation into renal dysfunction in cirrhosis.[1]


  1. Gene expression profiling of renal dysfunction in rats with experimental cirrhosis. López-Parra, M., Telleria, N., Titos, E., Planagumà, A., González-Périz, A., Arroyo, V., Rodés, J., Clària, J. J. Hepatol. (2006) [Pubmed]
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