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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Health-related quality of life in older people using benzodiazepines: a cross-sectional study.

Aim of this study is to investigate the QoL older people making regular use of BDZ. All subjects aged 65-84 years attending their General Practitioners were invited to fill in a questionnaire about their consumption of BDZ and all the subjects consuming BDZ to fill in the Medical Outcome Measures Short Form-36 ( MOS SF-36) and the Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) questionnaires. A total of 2,246 subjects used BDZ and 1,109 (49.4%) of them filled in the MOS SF-36 questionnaire. 1,005 of these participants also completed the PRIME-MD questionnaire (90.6%). The presence of sleep disorders and the characteristics of the BDZ used were not associated with any score in the MOS SF-36 questionnaire, whereas the Prime diagnosis was the most important predictor, since subjects with depression and/or anxiety had a lower mean score on each scale than subjects without disorders. Among a sample of Italian seniors taking BDZ, QoL was associated with the presence of anxiety and/or depression. Age, gender, education and the presence of cardiovascular diseases or stroke were associated with specific aspects of QoL, when anxiety and depression were controlled for.[1]


  1. Health-related quality of life in older people using benzodiazepines: a cross-sectional study. Gelatti, U., Samani, F., Donato, F., Covolo, L., Mazzaglia, G., Cremaschini, F., Simon, G., Leggieri, G., Balestrieri, M. Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunit??. (2006) [Pubmed]
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