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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Localization of minoxidil sulfotransferase in rat liver and the outer root sheath of anagen pelage and vibrissa follicles.

The precise biochemical mechanism and site(s) of action by which minoxidil stimulates hair growth are not yet clear. Minoxidil sulfate is the active metabolite of minoxidil, with regard to smooth muscle vasodilation and hair growth. Formation of minoxidil sulfate is catalyzed by specific PAPS-dependent sulfotransferase(s) and minoxidil-sulfating activities have been previously reported to be present in liver and hair follicles. One of these minoxidil-sulfating enzymes has been purified from rat liver (rat minoxidil sulfotransferase, MST) and a rabbit anti-MST antibody has been prepared. Using this anti-MST antibody, we have immunohistochemically localized minoxidil sulfotransferase in the liver and anagen hair follicles from rat. In rat pelage and vibrissa follicles, this enzyme is localized within the cytoplasm of epithelial cells in the lower outer root sheath. Although the immunolocalization of MST might not necessarily correlate with the MST activity known to be present in anagen follicles, the results of this study strongly suggest that the lower outer root sheath of the hair follicle may serve as a site for the sulfation of topically applied minoxidil.[1]


  1. Localization of minoxidil sulfotransferase in rat liver and the outer root sheath of anagen pelage and vibrissa follicles. Dooley, T.P., Walker, C.J., Hirshey, S.J., Falany, C.N., Diani, A.R. J. Invest. Dermatol. (1991) [Pubmed]
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