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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Absence of oxytocin-neurophysin messenger RNA in the day-18 bovine conceptus.

Total cellular RNA was isolated from conceptus tissue obtained from 22 superovulated cows 18 days after artificial insemination. Total RNA was also isolated from luteal tissue from 3 cyclic cows 7 and 8 days after oestrus. Luteal and conceptus RNA were simultaneously subjected to formaldehyde-agarose gel electrophoresis and transferred to nitrocellulose by bidirectional diffusion blotting. Northern blots were probed using cDNAs specific for bovine oxytocin and bovine beta-actin gene sequences. Hybridization of the oxytocin cDNA to RNA was consistently observed on autoradiographs as a 0.6 kilobase (kb) band in lanes containing corpus luteum RNA, but was not detected in lanes containing conceptus RNA. The presence of conceptus RNA on the blots was confirmed by hybridization of the actin cDNA to conceptus RNA, which resulted in a 2.0 kb band on autoradiographs. These results suggest that oxytocin is not synthesized by the bovine conceptus on Day 18 of gestation.[1]


  1. Absence of oxytocin-neurophysin messenger RNA in the day-18 bovine conceptus. Van Vliet, R.A., Walton, J.S., Wildeman, A.G., Betteridge, K.J., Gibbins, A.M. J. Reprod. Fertil. (1991) [Pubmed]
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