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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Induction of aldose reductase expression in rat kidney mesangial cells and Chinese hamster ovary cells under hypertonic conditions.

Rat kidney cortex mesangial cells (MES) and Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) responded to hypertonicity (600 mosmol/kg) in culture by accumulating sorbitol. The accumulation of sorbitol was due to increased aldose reductase ( AR) activity, apparently brought about by increased levels of AR mRNA and protein. The levels of AR mRNA increased approximately 60-fold in MES cells and 30-fold in CHO cells by 24 h in culture media (300 mosmol/kg supplemented with 150 mM NaCl, 600 mosmol/kg total). AR activity also markedly increased (14- to 16-fold above control), but MES took 4 days and CHO 6 days to reach this maximum. Other osmolytes, raffinose and sorbitol (at concentrations of 250 to 300 mM) elicited the same response as that of 150 mM NaCl. These data show that AR expression is induced in MES and CHO cells under hypertonic conditions. Of special interest is the induction of large amounts of AR in rat kidney cortex mesangial cells, a target tissue of diabetes and a site where excessive accumulation of sorbitol is suspected to be a critical factor in diabetic nephropathy.[1]


  1. Induction of aldose reductase expression in rat kidney mesangial cells and Chinese hamster ovary cells under hypertonic conditions. Kaneko, M., Carper, D., Nishimura, C., Millen, J., Bock, M., Hohman, T.C. Exp. Cell Res. (1990) [Pubmed]
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