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Effects of drag reducing polymer on atherosclerosis.

In order to determine the effect of drag reducing polymers on the occurrence of atherosclerosis, the Guinea pigs were used as the experimental animals. The inhibitory effect of a drag reducing polymer (polyacrylamide) on atherosclerosis in the aortas of Guinea pigs on a high cholesterol diet (2%) was investigated over a period of 6 months. The aortas, livers, kidneys and lungs of the animals, which were separated into four experimental groups (control, polymer, cholesterol and cholesterol + polymer) were also investigated both macroscopically and light microscopically. The selected physiological parameters such as, plasma cholesterol levels, plasma hemoglobin, hematocrit and total lipid values were determined at regular intervals for each group. The results indicate that the atherosclerosis in aorta of the animals receiving the polymer injection is suppressed significantly and the drag reducing water soluble polymers may be effectively applied against atherosclerosis.[1]


  1. Effects of drag reducing polymer on atherosclerosis. Ertepinar, H., Süzen, B., Ozoran, A., Ozoran, Y., Ceylan, S., Yeginoglu, G., Uremek, G. Biorheology. (1990) [Pubmed]
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