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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Comparative metabolic effects of three types of combined oral contraceptive pills in Chinese women.

The results of a prospective longitudinal controlled study comparing some metabolic effects of a low-dose levonorgestrel-ethinyl oestradiol combined oral contraceptive (Microgynon 30), a desogestrel-ethinyl oestradiol-containing pill (Marvelon) and a levonorgestrel-ethinyl oestradiol triphasic preparation (Triquilar) after one year of treatment in ethnic Chinese women are presented. Serum cholesterol levels are similar for the three pills at 6 and 12 months of treatment. Marvelon and Triquilar users showed rises in triglyceride levels while Microgynon 30 users had no change after one year of treatment. Lipoprotein fractions showed favourable changes in Triquilar and Marvelon users with significant rise in HDL fractions at 6 and 12 months; Microgynon 30 users had equivocal changes in HDL fractions. Carbohydrate metabolism as reflected by glucose tolerance showed deterioration with all 3 pills, being least with Microgynon 30 and greatest with Marvelon at 12 months.[1]


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