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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Codon discrimination and anticodon structural context.

Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to change the nucleotide C in the wobble position of tRNA(1Gly) (CCC) to U. The mutated tRNA was tested for its ability to read glycine codons in an in vitro protein-synthesizing system programmed with the phage message MS2-RNA that had been modified by site-directed mutagenesis so as to make it possible to monitor conveniently the reading of all four glycine codons. The results showed that while the efficiency of tRNA(1Gly) (UCC) was comparable to that of mycoplasma tRNA(Gly) (UCC) in the reading of the codon GGA, the mycoplasma tRNA(Gly) was far more efficient than the tRNA(1Gly) (UCC) in the reading of the codons GGU and GGC. Thus, the anticodon UCC, when present in the structural context of the tRNA(1Gly) molecule, behaved as predicted by the wobble rules while in the structural context of the mycoplasma tRNA(Gly) it read without discrimination between the nucleotides in the third codon position, in violation of the wobble restrictions. The result with the codon GGG showed that the anticodon UCC, when present in tRNA(1Gly), was considerably less efficient in reading this codon than it was in the structural context of the mycoplasma tRNA(Gly). It would therefore seem that the anticodon UCC, when present in a certain tRNA, can be an efficient wobbler, while in the molecular environment of another tRNA it is markedly restricted in its ability to wobble.[1]


  1. Codon discrimination and anticodon structural context. Lustig, F., Borén, T., Guindy, Y.S., Elias, P., Samuelsson, T., Gehrke, C.W., Kuo, K.C., Lagerkvist, U. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1989) [Pubmed]
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