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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Estrogenic regulation of murine uterine 90-kilodalton heat shock protein gene expression.

Murine uterine steady-state protein levels of the 90-kilodalton heat shock protein (HSP90) have been demonstrated recently to be increased by estrogen in a target tissue- and steroid-specific manner (C. Ramachandran, M.G. Catelli, W. Schneider, and G. Shyamala, Endocrinology 123:956-961, 1988). We now report that this regulation occurred with both the HSP86 and HSP84 forms of HSP90 as well as with the 94-kilodalton glucose-regulated protein. At the mRNA level, this response was greatest for HSP86 (15-fold). In contrast, estradiol had no significant effect on HSP70.[1]


  1. Estrogenic regulation of murine uterine 90-kilodalton heat shock protein gene expression. Shyamala, G., Gauthier, Y., Moore, S.K., Catelli, M.G., Ullrich, S.J. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1989) [Pubmed]
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