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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Human liver fatty acid binding protein cDNA and amino acid sequence. Functional and evolutionary implications.

Human liver fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) cDNA clones were identified in a liver cDNA library. The two longest clones were completely sequenced. The nucleotide sequence predicts a protein of 127 amino acid residues. Identity of the clones was confirmed by limited amino acid sequence analysis of purified human L-FABP peptides and Edman degradation of radiolabeled in vitro translated FABP. Statistical analysis of the amino acid and mRNA sequences of human L-FABP, rat L-FABP, rat intestinal (I-) FABP, and mouse 422 protein indicates that the human and rat L-FABPs are highly homologous and that L-FABP and I-FABP diverged a long time ago (approximately 650-690 million years ago), although they are more closely related to each other than either of them is to 422 protein. Secondary structure predictions from the primary sequence of human and rat L-FABP reveal a region (residues 12-30) that might be the putative fatty acid binding domain of the two L-FABPs. Knowledge of the primary amino acid sequence of L-FABP and possible functional domains will be pivotal in further defining and understanding the mechanism of ligand binding and transfer by this protein.[1]


  1. Human liver fatty acid binding protein cDNA and amino acid sequence. Functional and evolutionary implications. Chan, L., Wei, C.F., Li, W.H., Yang, C.Y., Ratner, P., Pownall, H., Gotto, A.M., Smith, L.C. J. Biol. Chem. (1985) [Pubmed]
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