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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Idiopathic, sustained, inappropriate secretion of ADH with associated hypertension and thirst.

A 15 year old girl presented with excessive thirst and hypertension (170/110 mm Hg). Biochemical investigations revealed serum sodium 118 meq/liter, serum osmolality 238 mosmol/liter, urine sodium 90 meq/liter, urine osmolality 700 mosmol/liter, persistenly elevated serum antidiuretic hormone (ADH) levels (5.8 to 11.9 pg/ml) and no obvious cause for the hypertension. The hypertension is, at least in part, volume-related, diminishing with fluid restriction. Features of gross water intoxication (e.g., confusion, coma) have not occurred. The etiology of the inappropriate secretion of ADH is not obvious but is not thought to be due to "resetting of osmoreceptors" as evidenced by failure to maximally dilute urine following a water load test and persistently elevated serum ADH levels. A similar patient described by Epstein and associates in 1962 is presently well with persistent features of inappropriate secretion of ADH.[1]


  1. Idiopathic, sustained, inappropriate secretion of ADH with associated hypertension and thirst. Whitaker, M.D., McArthur, R.G., Corenblum, B., Davidman, M., Haslam, R.H. Am. J. Med. (1979) [Pubmed]
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