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Isolated chromaffin cells from adrenal medulla contain primarily monoamine oxidase B.

Cultured chromaffin cells from bovine adrenal medulla were found to contain primarily the B form of monoamine oxidase. This monoamine oxidase B enzyme was somewhat distinct from B enzymes from other sources, in that noradrenaline was a much poorer substrate than serotonin. Nonetheless, studies with selective inhibitors of the A form (clorgyline) and the B form [(-)-deprenyl] confirmed that chromaffin cell monoamine oxidase was the B form. The observation that chromaffin cell monoamine oxidase has poor affinity for catecholamines is consistent with physiological needs that require the cell to synthesize and store large amounts of catecholamines.[1]


  1. Isolated chromaffin cells from adrenal medulla contain primarily monoamine oxidase B. Youdim, M.B., Banerjee, D.K., Pollard, H.B. Science (1984) [Pubmed]
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