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Gene Review

MAOB  -  monoamine oxidase B

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: MAO-B, Monoamine oxidase type B
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Disease relevance of MAOB


Psychiatry related information on MAOB


High impact information on MAOB

  • Here we show that targetted inactivation of MAOB in mice increases levels of PEA but not those of 5-HT, NE and DA, demonstrating a primary role for MAOB in the metabolism of PEA [11].
  • Increased stress response and beta-phenylethylamine in MAOB-deficient mice [11].
  • By subcloning a YAC with a 640 kilobases (kb) insert which spans the DXS7-MAOB interval we have generated a cosmid contig which extends 250 kb beyond the MAOB gene [12].
  • We propose that reduction of MAO B activity may synergize with nicotine to produce the diverse behavioural and epidemiological effects of smoking [13].
  • Mechanisms of bioactivation by MAO-B of MPTP to MPP+, concentration of MPP+ in neurons with a catecholamine uptake system, and vulnerability to cellular toxic effects of MPP+ are the basis for the specificity of MPTP targeting of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of MAOB


Biological context of MAOB

  • The implications of fast acetylation, selective MAO inhibitors, types MAOA and MAOB, and measures of platelet MAO inhibition are discussed in this article [20].
  • Human MAOA and MAOB genes isolated from X chromosome-specific libraries span at least 60 kilobases, consist of 15 exons, and exhibit identical exon-intron organization [21].
  • Our results map the gene responsible for the disorder between the MAOB and DXS426, m27 beta and p58-1 loci, on the short arm of the X chromosome at Xp11.3, which suggest the possibility that the same gene is responsible for both primary retinal dysplasia and Norrie disease [22].
  • We have performed linkage analysis of the family using the L1.28, p58-1 and m27 beta probes, and DXS426 and MAOB associated microsatellites [22].
  • It has been shown from pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) that the monoamine oxidase genes A and B (MAOA & MAOB) and DXS7 loci are physically very close [23].

Anatomical context of MAOB

  • Activities of both MAOA and MAOB were significantly increased in frontal cortex and caudate nucleus, two brain regions shown previously to be the site of functional and morphological alterations of astrocytes and increased concentrations of the acid metabolites of dopamine and serotonin [2].
  • In Northern blot analyses MAOA mRNA was expressed broadly in various parts of the canine brain, whereas MAOB mRNA was found only in specific brain regions, such as the hypothalamus, hippocampus, brain stem and olfactory bulb [24].
  • A monoclonal antibody was used to prepare immunoaffinity columns that efficiently bind monoamine oxidase B activity but not monoamine oxidase A activity from detergent extracts of human liver mitochondria [25].
  • Normal levels of MAO-A activities, as well as normal amounts and size of the MAO-A mRNA, were observed in cultured skin fibroblasts from these patients, and MAO-B activity in their platelets was normal [26].
  • However, the imidazoline binding domain was not detected in platelet membrane preparations containing amounts of MAO-B equivalent to those in the photolabeled liver membranes indicating that recognition of this domain is tissue-restricted [27].

Associations of MAOB with chemical compounds

  • Monoamine oxidases A and B [MAOA and MAOB; amine:oxygen oxidoreductase (deaminating) (flavin-containing), EC] play important roles in the metabolism of neuroactive, vasoactive amines and the Parkinsonism-producing neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) [21].
  • Exon 12 codes for the covalent FAD-binding-site and is the most conserved exon; the MAOA and MAOB exon 12 products share 93.9% peptide identity [21].
  • This 4.96 Mb region contains, among others, the genes for monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) and B (MAOB), which are involved in the oxidative deamination of several neurotransmitters, including dopamine and serotonin [28].
  • Exon 12 (bearing the codon for cysteine, which carries the covalently bound FAD cofactor) and exon 13 are highly conserved between human MAOA and MAOB genes (92% at the amino acid level) [29].
  • To understand the mechanisms of specific substrate and inhibitor recognitions of MAOA and MAOB, we have determined the crystal structure of rat MAOA complexed with the specific inhibitor, clorgyline, at 3.2A resolution [30].

Physical interactions of MAOB


Enzymatic interactions of MAOB

  • Additional studies revealed that MMPP was a poor substrate of only MAO B (Km,app = 9.5 mM) and that acid treatment of MMPP led to the formation of a product that could be readily oxidized by both MAO A and B. Similar acid pretreatment of TMMP yielded a product that was a much poorer substrate for MAO B than the parent compound [33].

Regulatory relationships of MAOB


Other interactions of MAOB

  • Interestingly, ERalpha or ERbeta alone have no effect on MAO-B promoter activity but can down-regulate the activation function of ERRs, whereas glucocorticoid receptor does not [4].
  • The ability of ERRs to stimulate MAO-B promoter activity was reduced in ER-positive MCF-7 and T47D cells [4].
  • The COMT L allele modifies the association between MAOB polymorphism and PD in Taiwanese [38].
  • CONCLUSION: Significant associations with PD were found in polymorphisms of NAT2, MAOB, GSTT1, and tRNAGlu [39].
  • We investigated whether genetic variants of MAO-B intron 13 and DRD2 TaqIB polymorphism could be associated with smoking status among control subjects [40].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of MAOB


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