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Adrenal Medulla

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Disease relevance of Adrenal Medulla


Psychiatry related information on Adrenal Medulla


High impact information on Adrenal Medulla

  • Heterozygous animals do not exhibit the classical symptoms of the human disease, but are highly predisposed to the formation of various tumour types, notably phaeochomocytoma, a tumour of the neural crest-derived adrenal medulla, and myeloid leukaemia, both of which occur with increased frequency in human NF1 patients [8].
  • Adrenaline and noradrenaline, the main effectors of the sympathetic nervous system and adrenal medulla, respectively, are thought to control adiposity and energy balance through several mechanisms [9].
  • Adrenal medulla, brain, pituitary and parathyroid are all sites of synthesis of chromogranin A. The primary structure of chromogranin A, and the presence of chromogranin mRNA in the parathyroid, indicate that chromogranin A and SP-I are identical [10].
  • In the adrenal medulla, these receptors are coupled to adenylate cyclase and can stimulate the secretion of catecholamines and Met-enkephalin [11].
  • Such an action of CRF is supported by our demonstration of specific CRF receptors in the monkey adrenal medulla and sympathetic ganglia [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Adrenal Medulla


Biological context of Adrenal Medulla


Anatomical context of Adrenal Medulla


Associations of Adrenal Medulla with chemical compounds


Gene context of Adrenal Medulla


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Adrenal Medulla


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