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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Diazepam and its anomalous p-chloro-derivative Ro 5-4864: comparative effects on mouse neurons in cell culture.

The actions of diazepam and its p-chloro-derivative Ro 5-4864 were compared on mouse spinal cord and dorsal root ganglion neurons in cell culture. Diazepam enhanced but Ro 5-4864 reduced iontophoretic GABA responses in a concentration-dependent manner. Both diazepam and Ro 5-4864 limited sustained, high frequency repetitive firing of spinal cord neurons but diazepam was more potent. Ro 5-4864 was, however, more potent than diazepam in inhibiting spontaneous neuronal activity of spinal cord neurons and reducing the duration of calcium-dependent action potentials of dorsal root ganglion neurons. The differing actions of diazepam and Ro 5-4864 may account for the contrasting pharmacological spectra of the two benzodiazepines.[1]


  1. Diazepam and its anomalous p-chloro-derivative Ro 5-4864: comparative effects on mouse neurons in cell culture. Skerritt, J.H., Werz, M.A., McLean, M.J., Macdonald, R.L. Brain Res. (1984) [Pubmed]
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