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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Effect of carbon monoxide on atherogenesis in normal pigs and pigs with von Willebrand's disease.

The extent of coronary and aortic atherosclerosis was examined in pigs following balloon-catheter injury of coronary arteries and subsequent feeding of an atherogenic diet for 4 months. The pigs were either exposed intermittently to 100 ppm carbon monoxide or to ambient air alone. Three types of pigs were used: normals, homozygotes for von Willebrand's disease (bleeders), and heterozygotes (carriers). The 3 types of pigs developed coronary artery intimal lesions of similar thickness. Aortic lesions, quantified as percent of aortic surface involved with sudanophilia and raised fibrous plaques, were slightly less extensive in bleeder pigs than in normals. Carbon monoxide exposure did not increase the thickness of coronary artery intimal lesions, nor did it increase the percent of aortic surface involved with sudanophilia or raised fibrous lesions. These results suggest that exposure to low levels of carbon monoxide does not perceptibly enhance atherogenesis induced by hypercholesterolemia. None of 14 bleeder pigs showed evidence of myocardial infarction, despite significant coronary artery narrowing. Of the 24 normal and carrier pigs, 5 showed myocardial infarction. Four of these 5 pigs were exposed to carbon monoxide, while 1 was not exposed. These findings suggest that exposure to low levels of carbon monoxide may increase the incidence of myocardial infarction and that the absence of von Willebrand factor may be protective.[1]


  1. Effect of carbon monoxide on atherogenesis in normal pigs and pigs with von Willebrand's disease. Sultzer, D.L., Brinkhous, K.M., Reddick, R.L., Griggs, T.R. Atherosclerosis (1982) [Pubmed]
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