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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Surgical anatomy and pathology of the round window.

A study of the surgical anatomy and pathology of the round window was performed on a total of 292 serially sectioned temporal bones. The surgical approach to the round window is discussed with consideration of the anatomical findings. In the pathological study obliteration of the round window niche occurred as a congenital anomaly, in otosclerosis, chronic otitis media and as an end result in suppurative labyrinthitis. Clinical reports seem to indicate that obliteration of the window is associated with significant hearing loss, contrary to the findings in experimental animals. In chronic otitis media the round window is a pathway for spread of infection to the labyrinth, but also the finding of perilymphatic precipitates to the window in some ears suggests that certain inflammatory products may enter the scala tympani through the round window and so lead to high tone sensorineural hearing loss.[1]


  1. Surgical anatomy and pathology of the round window. Stewart, T.J., Belal, A. Clinical otolaryngology and allied sciences. (1981) [Pubmed]
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