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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Serum alpha 2-macroglobulin in haemodialysis patients: baseline and kinetic studies.

The pathogenesis of dialysis related amyloidosis remains unresolved despite the identification of beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2M) as the major protein constituent, as well as other proteins being present in the deposits. Among the latter we have assessed the serum concentrations of alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) both in the baseline stage and during the haemodialysis (HD) procedure. We have also assessed the influence of the membrane on alpha 2M kinetics. Fifteen HD patients with histologically proven dialysis-related amyloidosis (DRA group) and 15 HD patients clinically and radiologically considered dialysis-related amyloidosis free (control group) were included in the baseline study. Blood was sampled the day before the second dialysis of the week and alpha 2M, beta 2M and alpha 1 antitrypsin were determined along with the routine biological analysis of these patients. Serum alpha 2M was greater in dialysis-related amyloidosis than in control patients (t = 2.35; P < 0.026). Serum beta 2M was similar in both groups. The serum alpha 2M and beta 2M correlated in patients with dialysis-related amyloidosis (r = 0.64; P < 0.01), while no correlation was found in controls (r = 0.17; NS). Stepwise analysis taking the presence of dialysis-related amyloidosis as the dependent variable retained the serum alpha 2M concentration as the first variable in the model (F = 4.4; partial r = 0.38; P < 0.046).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)[1]


  1. Serum alpha 2-macroglobulin in haemodialysis patients: baseline and kinetic studies. Argilés, A., Kerr, P.G., Mourad, G., Mion, C.M., Atkins, R.C. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. (1993) [Pubmed]
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