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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Influence of intramembrane electric charge on Na,K-ATPase.

Effects of lipophilic ions, tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) and tetraphenylboron (TPB-), on interactions of Na+ and K+ with Na,K-ATPase were studied with membrane-bound enzyme from bovine brain, pig kidney, and shark rectal gland. Na+ and K+ interactions with the inward-facing binding sites, monitored by eosin fluorescence and phosphorylation, were not influenced by lipophilic ions. Phosphoenzyme interactions with extracellular cations were evaluated through K(+)-, ADP-, and Na(+)-dependent dephosphorylation. TPP+ decreased: 1) the rate of transition of ADP-insensitive to ADP-sensitive phosphoenzyme, 2) the K+ affinity and the rate coefficient for dephosphorylation of the K-sensitive phosphoenzyme, 3) the Na+ affinity and the rate coefficient for Na(+)-dependent dephosphorylation. Pre-steady state phosphorylation experiments indicate that the subsequent occlusion of extracellular cations was prevented by TPP+. TPB- had opposite effects. Effects of lipophilic ions on the transition between phosphoenzymes were significantly diminished when Na+ was replaced by N-methyl-D-glucamine or Tris+, but were unaffected by the replacement of Cl- by other anions. Lipophilic ions affected Na-ATPase, Na,K-ATPase, and p-nitrophenylphosphatase activities in accordance with their effects on the partial reactions. Effects of lipophilic ions appear to be due to their charge indicating that Na+ and K+ access to their extracellular binding sites is modified by the intramembrane electric field.[1]


  1. Influence of intramembrane electric charge on Na,K-ATPase. Klodos, I., Fedosova, N.U., Plesner, L. J. Biol. Chem. (1995) [Pubmed]
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