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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The use of urethral stents for the treatment of urethral strictures.

Three types of urethral stents can be used in the treatment of recurrent strictures: Urolume/Wallstent is a self-expanding mesh which is incorporated into the urethral epithelium; the ASI Titanium stent is a short rigid mesh of Titanium wire which is also incorporated into the urethra; Nitinol is a flexible spring in one or two parts connected by a steel wire. It remains endoluminal. The Urolume/Wallstent has been used since 1987. It is indicated in iatrogenic strictures. No statistical results are presented. The ASI stent should be reserved for strictures of the prostatic and posterior urethra. The Niticol UroCoil system can be used at all levels of the urethra; two models are available: simple or twin. The author has inserted 65 stents in 56 patients. The stent was removed after one year in 41 patients. The use of these stents has considerably decreased the number of repeated dilatations and urethrotomies.[1]


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