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Studies on early enteral nutrition for patients with gastric cancer from the view of immunity.

The enteral nutrition after operation for gastric cancer patients with special reference to its immunological improving effect was examined. The subjects were 25 patients who underwent an operation and they were classified into 2 groups by the postoperative nutritional control method. E group: patients who received enteral nutrition after operation (n = 12) and T group those who reviewed TPN postoperatively (n = 13). In the 25 subjects the serum proteins, nitrogen balance and 3-methylhistidine (3-Mehis) were measured before and after the operation. The total lymphocyte counts were measured before and after operation. The total lymphocyte subsets and NK cell activity were determined with monoclonal antibodies. Nutritionally, there was no significant difference in the serum proteins and nitrogen balance and 3-Mehis/Cr ratio also showed no significant difference. Immunologically, an improving effect was observed in E group postoperatively with CD4+CD45R-Leu8- (helper T) cell subpopulation, CD8+CD11b- (cytotoxic T) cell subpopulation and CD3-CD16+CD56+ (NK-LAK) cell subpopulation.[1]


  1. Studies on early enteral nutrition for patients with gastric cancer from the view of immunity. Tanabe, H. Nippon geka hokan. Archiv für japanische Chirurgie. (1993) [Pubmed]
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