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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Dynamics of DNA methylation during development.

DNA methylation plays a role in the repression of gene expression in animal cells. In the mouse preimplantation embryo, most genes are unmethylated but a wave of de novo methylation prior to gastrulation generates a bimodal pattern characterized by unmethylated CpG island-containing housekeeping genes and fully modified tissue-specific genes. Demethylation of individual genes then takes place during cell type specific differentiation, and this demodification may be a required step in the process of transcriptional activation. DNA modification is also involved in the maintenance of gene repression on the inactive X chromosome in female somatic cells and the marking of parental alleles at genomically imprinted gene loci.[1]


  1. Dynamics of DNA methylation during development. Brandeis, M., Ariel, M., Cedar, H. Bioessays (1993) [Pubmed]
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