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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Enhancement by iron of hepatic neoplasia in rats caused by hexachlorobenzene.

Female F344 rats received an i.p. injection of iron-dextran (600 mg Fe/kg) and then after 1 week were fed a diet containing 0.02% hexachlorobenzene (HCB) for up to 65 weeks. All rats (8/8) which received HCB after iron overload developed multiple hepatic nodules whereas only 3/8 rats administered HCB alone had nodules (average of one per positive liver). These hyperplastic regions were depleted of iron and were often positive for gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) and glutathione S-transferase P (GST-P). Telangiectasis and peliosis were prominent features in the lesions. Short-term experiments (5-15 weeks of iron/HCB treatments) showed that GGT and GST-P were induced early in the neoplastic process but not in discrete focal areas. Iron alone also caused some induction of these enzymes. Some cells with induced GST-P in either short or long term experiments also stained positively for this enzyme in the nucleus. Studies of cytochrome P450 mediated activities showed that at 5 and 15 weeks HCB had induced EROD (an estimate of CYP1A1), PROD (CYP2B1 activity) and BROD activities (CYP2B1 but also other isoenzymes). Under the influence of iron overload EROD was significantly depressed from HCB alone, but not the others or cytochrome P450 reductase. Cytosolic glutathione S-transferase activities were also induced by HCB, but, unlike microsomal EROD, preloading with iron enhanced the effects. In contrast, although cytosolic diaphorase activity was induced by HCB, this response was depressed in combination with iron. Glutathione peroxidase (with H2O2 as substrate) was depressed by both iron and HCB. Clearly, iron overload potentiates the neoplastic process induced by HCB in rats, with both enhancing and depressing effects on various enzyme activities induced by this chemical.[1]


  1. Enhancement by iron of hepatic neoplasia in rats caused by hexachlorobenzene. Smith, A.G., Carthew, P., Francis, J.E., Cabral, J.R., Manson, M.M. Carcinogenesis (1993) [Pubmed]
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