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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The Lutheran and secretor loci: genetic linkage analysis.

Linkage analysis of Lu and Se and 31 other loci indicate that Lu:Se are not closely linked to ABO, ACP1, Co, Do, Est.D,Fy, GC, Gm, GLO:HLA, GPT, Inv, Jk,K,MN,P,PGD,PGM1, Rh,Sc, UMPK OR Yt. Lod scores for 18 families informative for Lu:Se gave no evidence for sex differentiation in recombination fraction: theta for males was 0.07, and for females, .08.[1]


  1. The Lutheran and secretor loci: genetic linkage analysis. Lewis, M., Kaita, H., Chown, B., Giblett, E.R., Anderson, J., Côté, G.B. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (1977) [Pubmed]
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