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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Aortic valve replacement with concomitant open mitral valvotomy--early results and long term followup in 72 consecutive patients.
Experience with 72 consecutive subjects, who underwent aortic valve replacement with open mitral valvotomy is presented. Mean age was 30 years and history of rheumatic fever was forthcoming in 80%. 91.7% patients had aortic regurgitation--with or without aortic stenosis. 45% patients had pulmonary hypertension. Starr Edwards (51.4% and Bjork Shiley valves (45.8%) were commonly used. There were no early deaths. All patients were followed up for 1 to 19 years (mean = 9 years). There were 4 (5.5%) late deaths. 4.1% patients developed mild restenosis of the mitral valve over a mean period of 8 years and 1.04% developed mitral regurgitation mandating mitral valve replacement. A notable feature of this series is the low incidence of thromboembolism-free lives at upto 10 years followup despite receiving only aspirin in place of coumarin anticoagulation. We believe aortic valve replacement and open mitral valvotomy is a worthy alternative to double valve replacement in view of its zero hospital mortality, low late mortality, low incidence of restenosis, low thromboembolic episodes and the avoidance of coumarin anticoagulation.[1]