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Aortic Valve

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Disease relevance of Aortic Valve


High impact information on Aortic Valve


Chemical compound and disease context of Aortic Valve


Biological context of Aortic Valve


Anatomical context of Aortic Valve


Associations of Aortic Valve with chemical compounds

  • These findings indicate that heart failure in aortic valve disease is associated with low PCr, which could be due to loss of intracellular creatine [25].
  • Because leaflet calcification occurs in areas of lipoprotein deposition, we hypothesised that 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG COA) reductase inhibitors (statins) might slow aortic valve calcium (AVC) accumulation [10].
  • Our investigations studied ethanol pretreatment of glutaraldehyde cross-linked porcine aortic valves as a new approach to prevent cuspal calcification [21].
  • In other postoperative evaluations that included ergometric stress with isoproterenol and pacing, induced hemodynamic changes after aortic valve replacement were predictable and consistent with regard to both direction and magnitude, and they differed characteristically according to the type of stress used [26].
  • Platelet survival time was measured (by the chromium-51 method) in 73 patients with aortic valve disease [27].

Gene context of Aortic Valve


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Aortic Valve


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