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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Marked, transient inhibition of expression of the Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein gene in Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines by electroporation.

The Raji, EB1, and EB2 cell lines are derived from Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive Burkitt's lymphomas. EBV gene products associated with viral latency, including latent membrane protein ( LMP) and Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA-2), are expressed in these cell lines. We have found that transfection of all three of these cell lines by electroporation in both the presence and the absence of foreign DNA resulted in a marked decrease in expression of the endogenous EBV gene encoding LMP. An analysis of this response in Raji cells revealed that the level of RNA of this gene was decreased transiently and returned to normal levels by 7 days after transfection. The level of LMP protein was also reduced after transfection. No difference in survival was detected in electroporated versus unperturbed Raji cells. The level of mRNA encoding a modulator of the LMP gene, EBNA-2, was unchanged by electroporation. However, the level of another EBV transcript, BHLF-I, was reduced. The effect of electroporation could not be attributed to flux of Ca2+, Na+, K+, or Cl- ions across the plasma membrane. Expression of LMP in several lymphoblastoid cell lines was unaffected by electroporation.[1]


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