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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Circadian expression and induction by wounding of tobacco genes for cysteine proteinase.

Two sets of clones were isolated from a tobacco cDNA library, utilizing as a probe a PCR fragment obtained from tomato cDNA using a degenerate primer based on the sequence of tomato systemin. Contrary to expectation, the clones did not correspond to tobacco homologues of tomato pro-systemin. However, the cDNAs encoded two highly similar proteins with extensive structural homology to cysteine proteinases from a wide range of plant and animal species. Northern blot analyses showed that in unstressed tobacco leaf the genes for the putative proteinases are expressed according to a circadian rhythm. Furthermore, incision wounding enhances the expression approximately six-fold. Other forms of stress, such as infection with tobacco mosaic virus, treatment with ethephon or UV light do not result in induced expression of the tobacco cysteine proteinase genes.[1]


  1. Circadian expression and induction by wounding of tobacco genes for cysteine proteinase. Linthorst, H.J., van der Does, C., Brederode, F.T., Bol, J.F. Plant Mol. Biol. (1993) [Pubmed]
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