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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Chronic varicella-zoster virus myelitis without cutaneous eruption in a patient with AIDS: report of a fatal case.

We describe a fatal case of varicella-zoster virus myelitis that was preceded by neurological symptoms for 10 months in a patient with human immunodeficiency virus infection and an extremely low CD4 cell count (20/microL). The patient was also receiving chronic acylovir therapy for suppression of herpes complex. Despite chronic unilateral periauricular and facial pain, which was later accompanied by upper- and lower-extremity weakness, a cutaneous eruption never developed. It is hypothesized that a blunted inflammatory response in the spinal cord--possibly related to a very low CD4 cell count--and long-term acylovir administration might have contributed to the atypical manifestation might have contributed to the atypical manifestation of varicella-zoster virus-related neurological disease in this immunocompromised patient.[1]


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