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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Transgenic strains of the nematode C. elegans in biomonitoring and toxicology: effects of captan and related compounds on the stress response.

The fungicide, captan, induces a cellular stress response in the soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Transgenic C, elegans, which produce beta-galactosidase as a surrogate stress protein, reveal that captan-induced stress is localized mainly to muscle cells of the pharynx. The stress response is elicited by captan concentrations above 5 ppm and occurs within five hours of the initial exposure to the fungicide. Higher concentrations of captan, up to the solubility limit, increase the intensity of the response. Adult nematodes are significantly more sensitive to captan than are larvae. Captan also inhibits feeding in C. elegans, and nematodes exposed to captan rapidly cease muscular contractions in the pharynx. Stress induction and feeding inhibition are also caused by the related fungicides, captafol and folpet, but not by the parent compounds, phthalimide and tetrahydrophthalimide. The inhibition of feeding caused by compounds which elicit the cellular stress response may be an important survival mechanism for C, elegans.[1]


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