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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The bacillus subtilis dinR gene codes for the analogue of Escherichia coli LexA. Purification and characterization of the DinR protein.

The Bacillus subtilis dinR gene encodes a 23-kDa protein that shares about 34% homology with the Escherichia coli LexA protein. We have purified the dinR gene product to near homogeneity, and we describe its activities. The purified DinR protein binds specifically to the promoter regions of three B. subtilis SOS genes: dinB, dinC, and recA. Electrophoretic mobility of DinR-promoter complexes in each case is identical to that of promoters bound by the B. subtilis SOS repressor (Lovett, et al., (1993) J. Bacteriol. 175, 6842-6849). Analysis of hydroxyl radical footprints of DinR bound to the dinC promoter indicates that DinR interacts with one side of the DNA providing access to the consensus operator site (5'-GAACN4GTTC-3') within two adjacent major grooves. Consistent with its proposed role as a transcriptional repressor, purified DinR displaces B. subtilis RNA polymerase from the recA promoter and represses transcription of the recA gene in vitro. We also show that purified DinR protein undergoes general base-catalyzed autodigestion as well as RecA-mediated cleavage at the peptide bond between Ala-91 and Gly-92. Corresponding to its cleavage by activated RecA following DNA damage, the level of DinR is significantly reduced in RecA+ B. subtilis cells following exposure to mitomycin C. Thus, the DinR protein is structurally and functionally analogous to the E. coli LexA protein, and accordingly, we propose renaming the protein B. subtilis LexA.[1]


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