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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Fat, plain, but not friendless: self-esteem and peer acceptance of obese pre-adolescent girls.

OBJECTIVES: Poor self-esteem is assumed, but not consistently found, in obese children and adolescents. The aims of this study were a detailed analysis of body weight influences on self-esteem and peer acceptance in pre-adolescent girls. DESIGN: A cross-sectional comparison of girls in four weight (body mass index [BMI]) groups; underweight (< 10%), normal weight (10-85%), overweight (85-95%), and obese (> 95%). MEASURES: Assessments of body weight and height, body shape preference, self-esteem and peer nominations of popularity and attractiveness were collected from 313 girls aged 9y. RESULTS: Obese and overweight girls had significantly lower physical appearance and athletic competence self-esteem than their normal weight peers. Body weight had no impact on girls' rated importance of self-esteem domains. Heavier girls were significantly less likely to be peer nominated as pretty, but did not differ in their popularity. CONCLUSIONS: Prior to adolescence, physical appearance rather than global self-esteem is affected by overweight, and popularity preserved. Further research is required into the mechanisms of peer influence, and its consequences, in obese and overweight young adolescents.[1]


  1. Fat, plain, but not friendless: self-esteem and peer acceptance of obese pre-adolescent girls. Phillips, R.G., Hill, A.J. Int. J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disord. (1998) [Pubmed]
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