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Self Concept

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Disease relevance of Self Concept

  • Overall, these results support the view that dental-facial esthetics and self-perceptions of occlusal appearance, as well as attitudes toward malocclusion and orthodontic treatment, are important factors in the individual's decision to obtain orthodontic treatment [1].
  • RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Obese adolescents [N = 61; age, 14.1 (+/-0.2) years; BMI, 33.9 (+/-0.7) kg/m(2)] completed assessments of body weight and height and self-esteem and a sentence-completion test eliciting thoughts and beliefs about exercise, eating, and appearance at the start and end of the camp (mean stay, 26 days) [2].
  • Vitiligo patients exhibited better adjustment to their disorder and experienced less social discrimination than did psoriasis patients, although the two groups did not differ on overall self-esteem [3].
  • The 79 female and 147 male patients constituting the population with cystic fibrosis (CF) aged 16 years and older attending The Hospital for Sick Children were asked to complete the Cornell Medical Index (CMI) and Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS); 64 female (81%) and 112 male (76%) subjects participated [4].
  • The body of literature on bulimia nervosa (Boskind-Lodahl and Sirlin 1977; Fairburn and Cooper 1984; Katzman and Wolchik 1984; Scott 1988) clearly establishes its relationship to the current American fashion for thinness and the value placed on physical attractiveness for self-esteem [5].

Psychiatry related information on Self Concept

  • Recently, variations in self-esteem and internal locus of control have been shown to predict the neuroendocrine cortisol response to stress [6].
  • Measurements assessing teasing history (general appearance [GAT] and weight and size [WST] teasing), current eating disorder psychopathology (binge frequency, eating restraint, and concerns regarding eating, shape, and weight), body dissatisfaction, and psychological functioning (depression and self-esteem) were obtained [7].
  • METHOD: In a school district-wide sample of children in special education programs, the authors assessed self-esteem with the Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale among 143 students at high risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the school year 1995, with an interview participation rate of 73% [8].
  • CONCLUSIONS: The direct association between parental affective disorders and MDD onset was not affected by family cohesion, self-esteem, or stressful life events; thus more research is needed on other factors that may affect this association, such as genetic factors or other family- and intrapersonal-based variables [9].
  • The study examined the self-esteem, life fulfillments, social and interpersonal difficulties, general physical health, worries, and happiness of 392 adults with epilepsy using various psychometric instruments [10].

High impact information on Self Concept

  • We obtained psychiatric (Composite International Diagnostic Interview) and personality data on neuroticism, depressive coping style, self-esteem, and mastery from 4796 respondents at 3 time points (T1, T2, and T3), 12 and 24 months apart [11].
  • We therefore examined hippocampal volume and cortisol regulation, to investigate potential biological mechanisms related to self-esteem [6].
  • Physical self perceptions of women with rheumatoid arthritis [12].
  • Self perception in bacteria: quorum sensing with acylated homoserine lactones [13].
  • The self-perception of PFL was more frequent among older patients, patients who used stavudine for longer periods, and patients who reported a lack of adherence to antiretroviral agents [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of Self Concept

  • Level of CSF 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid was lowest in parkinsonian patients with major depression and was related to psychomotor retardation and loss of self-esteem [15].
  • Thus, we found improved self-concept both by self- and parental report in estrogen-treated girls with TS followed longitudinally through adolescence [16].
  • The 400 mg modafinil group had more energy, fewer difficulties performing usual activities, fewer interferences with social activities, improved psychological well-being and higher productivity, attention and self-esteem compared to placebo subjects (p<.05) [17].
  • Reboxetine demonstrated superior efficacy compared with fluoxetine in severely ill patients and was associated with greater improvement in social functioning, especially in terms of motivation toward action and negative self-perception [18].
  • The children completed the Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale, the Nowicki-Strickland Locus of Control Scale, and the Children's Depression Inventory [19].

Biological context of Self Concept

  • Patients (n = 321) on geriatrics wards were asked to complete two or three of four well-being measures: the Geriatric Depression Scale, Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale, Southampton Self-esteem Scale and the Bradburn Affect Balance Scale [20].
  • Compared to HIV-positive homosexuals, drug users had higher (t = 2.88 and p < 0.01) and non-drug users had similar SCL scores (n.s.). Psychosocial illness burden (SCL and Rand psychosocial dimension) was associated with low self-esteem, poverty, ethnic minority membership and illness stage (Rand only) [21].
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a traditional weight control program and nondiet alternative in improving behavioral (e.g., restrained, emotional, and external eating), psychological (e.g., body preoccupation, physical self-esteem), and biomedical (e.g., body weight, blood pressure, cholesterol) outcomes [22].
  • Men scoring high on sexual compulsivity reported engaging in more frequent unprotected sexual acts with more partners, reported greater use of cocaine in conjunction with sexual activity, rated high-risk sexual acts as more pleasurable, and reported lower self-esteem [23].
  • Multiple instruments were employed including Cattell's 16PF Questionnaire, Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale, Tucker's Perceived Somatotype Scale, the Physical Performance Test for California, and a written questionnaire to generate multidimensional profiles of 394 high school males [24].

Anatomical context of Self Concept

  • We report on 2 cases of the effect of modafinil on the self-esteem of patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) [25].
  • The Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) is a multidimensional, physical self-concept instrument designed to measure 11 scales: Strength, Body Fat, Activity, Endurance/Fitness, Sports Competence, Coordination, Health, Appearance, Flexibility, Global Physical Self-concept, and Global Esteem [26].
  • Unemployment increased the odds for negative self-concept among survivors who received combinations of central nervous system (CNS) irradiation (CRT) and intrathecal methotrexate (IT-MTX), except high CRT with no or low dose IT-MTX [27].

Gene context of Self Concept

  • Depression and low self-esteem in wave 1 were found to precede the headaches in wave 2 in girls, but not in boys [28].
  • The relation between T1 self-esteem and T2 internalizing symptoms was significant, controlling for T1 internalizing symptoms [29].
  • The literature clearly documents that stimulants not only improve abnormal behaviors of ADHD, but also self-esteem, cognition, and social and family function [30].
  • Inpatients (N=162) affected by bipolar (n=103) and unipolar (n=59) disorder (DSM III-R) were assessed by the Self-Esteem Scale (SES, Rosenberg, 1965) and were typed for DRD4 and 5-HTTLPR (n=58 subjects) variants at the third exon using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques [31].
  • One such variable is global physical self-concept (GPSC) [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Self Concept


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