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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The Tec29 tyrosine kinase is required during Drosophila embryogenesis and interacts with Src64 in ring canal development.

Tec29 encodes the only known Drosophila member of the Tec tyrosine kinases. By identifying the first mutations in Tec29 (formerly Src29A), we show that it is essential for head involution during embryogenesis and for ring canal development during oogenesis. Tec29 mutant egg chambers are defective in transfer of cytoplasm from the accessory nurse cells through the ring canals into the oocyte. Growth of the mutant ring canals is arrested, and they lack the strong phosphotyrosine localization seen in wild-type ring canals. Mutants lacking the Drosophila Src homolog Src64 show the same phenotype, and we show that Src64 is required for the localization of Tec29 to the ring canals. This interaction is similar to that between vertebrate Src and Tec kinases and suggests that Tec29 is an effector of Src64 that modifies ring canal components required for growth.[1]


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