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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Morphogenesis of Doublefoot (Dbf), a mouse mutant with polydactyly and craniofacial defects.

We report the morphogenesis of a new mouse mutant, Doublefoot (Dbf). The major phenotypic features involve the limb and craniofacial regions. There is polydactyly of all 4 limbs, with typically 6-8 digits per limb. All of the digits are triphalangeal; some show bifurcations and some are not attached to the carpus/tarsus. The carpus and tarsus are broader than normal, and their elements are partially fused. There are also tibial defects. Mutant embryos show a diencephalic bulge on d 10.0, with older animals exhibiting broadened and bulbous skulls sometimes with an additional midline skeletal element, shortened snouts and bulging eyes. Homozygotes, which do not survive beyond d 15, show midline facial clefting. In this study of the embryonic and fetal development of Dbf animals, we focus on the morphogenesis of the limbs and head, and discuss the possible molecular developmental mechanisms.[1]


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