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Gene Review

Dbf  -  doublefoot

Mus musculus

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High impact information on Dbf

  • To determine whether Dbf maps to the Ihh locus, which is also on chromosome 1, we performed an interspecific backcross [1].
  • We show here that Shh is expressed normally in Dbf mutants [1].
  • Dbf is a dominant mutation which maps to chromosome 1 [1].
  • We propose that misexpression of Ihh, and not a novel Smoothened ligand as recently suggested (Hayes et al., 1998), is responsible for the Dbf phenotype [1].
  • However, mesenchyme from the anterior aspects of Dbf/+ mutant limb buds, when transplanted to the anterior side of chick wing buds, induces duplication of the distal skeletal elements [2].

Biological context of Dbf


Anatomical context of Dbf


Other interactions of Dbf


  1. Evidence that preaxial polydactyly in the Doublefoot mutant is due to ectopic Indian Hedgehog signaling. Yang, Y., Guillot, P., Boyd, Y., Lyon, M.F., McMahon, A.P. Development (1998) [Pubmed]
  2. Sonic hedgehog is not required for polarising activity in the Doublefoot mutant mouse limb bud. Hayes, C., Brown, J.M., Lyon, M.F., Morriss-Kay, G.M. Development (1998) [Pubmed]
  3. Doublefoot: a new mouse mutant affecting development of limbs and head. Lyon, M.F., Quinney, R., Glenister, P.H., Kerscher, S., Guillot, P., Boyd, Y. Genet. Res. (1996) [Pubmed]
  4. Morphogenesis of Doublefoot (Dbf), a mouse mutant with polydactyly and craniofacial defects. Hayes, C., Lyon, M.F., Morriss-Kay, G.M. J. Anat. (1998) [Pubmed]
  5. Developmental mechanisms underlying polydactyly in the mouse mutant Doublefoot. Crick, A.P., Babbs, C., Brown, J.M., Morriss-Kay, G.M. J. Anat. (2003) [Pubmed]
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