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Fucoxanthin metabolites in egg yolks of laying hens.

Feeding experiments were conducted with White leghorn laying hens fed a carotenoid depleted control diet (containing some zeaxanthin and lutein) or this diet supplemented with 15% seaweed meal of established carotenoid composition. Egg yolk colour was estimated by use of a Roche Yolk Colour Fan and by detailed quantitative and qualitative carotenoid analysis of individual eggs of three laying hens during 4 weeks. Identification of the carotenoids included HPLC. VIS, MS, 1H NMR data and partial synthesis. The results confirmed that fucoxanthin, the major carotenoid in seaweed meal, is not transferred to the yolk. However, fucoxanthin gave rise to the metabolites fucoxanthinol, fucoxanthinol 3'-sulphate and paracentrone, that are ascribed to enzymatic modifications occurring in the hens. The difuranoid auroxanthin encountered in the egg yolk was ascribed to violaxanthin and/or its furanoid derivatives present in the seaweed meal. Colour of individual yolks varied considerably. The pigmentation level is discussed.[1]


  1. Fucoxanthin metabolites in egg yolks of laying hens. Strand, A., Herstad, O., Liaaen-Jensen, S. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part A Mol. Integr. Physiol. (1998) [Pubmed]
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