Chemical Compound Review:
Pennzone B 1,3-dibutylthiourea
Thiate U, NSC-3735, NSC-4148, D49598_ALDRICH, ACMC-20993b, ...
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- Contact dermatitis to dibutylthiourea in swimming goggles. Alomar, A., Vilaltella, I. Contact Derm. (1985)
- Contact dermatitis from dibutylthiourea. Report of a case with fine structural observations of epicutaneous testing with dibutylthiourea. Kanerva, L., Jolanki, R., Plosila, M., Estlander, T. Contact Derm. (1984)
- Contact dermatitis due to occupational dibutylthiourea exposure: a case of phonecard dermatitis. Schmid-Grendelmeier, P., Elsner, P. Contact Derm. (1995)
- Clinical review: thioureas and allergic contact dermatitis. McCleskey, P.E., Swerlick, R.A. Cutis; cutaneous medicine for the practitioner. (2001)
- HPLC analysis of alkyl thioureas in an orthopaedic brace and patch testing with pure ethylbutylthiourea. Bergendorff, O., Persson, C.M., Hansson, C. Contact Derm. (2004)