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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

AC1NSV2R     (3R)-3,4-bis[(3- hydroxyphenyl)methyl]oxola...

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Disease relevance of Enterolactone

  • In conclusion, modulation of local E2 synthesis is one potential mechanism through which ED, EL and GEN may protect against breast cancer [1].

High impact information on Enterolactone

  • Daily consumption for 6 wk of a low-fat muffin enriched with a lignan complex significantly increased serum ENL concentrations and urinary ENL excretion in healthy postmenopausal women, but had no effect on plasma lipid concentrations, serum lipoprotein oxidation resistance, or plasma antioxidant capacity [2].
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a lignan complex, providing 500 mg/d of SDG, on serum concentration and urinary excretion of ENL, plasma lipids, serum lipoprotein oxidation resistance, and markers of antioxidant capacity [2].
  • The inhibition by ED, EL or TAM (1-5 microM) of cell adhesion to Matrigel or extracellular matrices, fibronectin, laminin, and type IV collagen, as well as cell invasion was dose dependent in both cell lines [3].
  • When ED, EL and TAM were combined at 1 microM, a greater inhibitory effect on cell adhesion and invasion was observed than with either compound alone [3].
  • ED and EL at doses of 0.1-10 microM reduced cell migration, but TAM had no effect at 0.1 and 1 microM, and exhibited a stimulatory effect at 10 microM [3].


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