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Chemical Compound Review

AG-K-31121     3,4-dihydroxy-3- (hydroxymethyl)-6,7...

Synonyms: NSC-50131, NSC50131, CTK6J9831, HMS3079K12, AC1L68M5, ...
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Disease relevance of Lignan


Psychiatry related information on Lignan

  • In conclusion, exposure to flaxseed or its purified lignan during lactation is a critical period in which mammary gland development may be promoted by enhancing the differentiation of the mammary gland structures [6].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Our results do not support the presence of a protective effect of higher intake of phytoestrogens in low doses on cardiovascular disease risk, although a small risk reduction with higher lignan intake cannot be excluded for smokers [7].

High impact information on Lignan


Chemical compound and disease context of Lignan


Biological context of Lignan

  • Chemically synthesized 3'-O-methyl-NDGA ((+/-)-2) showed identical anti-HIV activity (IC50 25 microM) to the lignan isolated from Creosote Bush [18].
  • The aims of our study were to determine (i) whether the tumor inhibitory effect of FS was due to its oil (FO), lignan secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG), or both components, and (ii) whether the effect on tumor growth was related to increased lipid peroxidation [5].
  • A novel peroxidase that catalyses the dimerization of ferulic acid or caffeic acid via oxidative coupling and formation of beta beta'-linkage to the lignan-type compounds 8,8'-bis(caffeic acid) or 8,8'-bis(ferulic acid) respectively was purified from the leaves of Bupleurum salicifolium [19].
  • Novel substituted methylenedioxy lignan suppresses proliferation of cancer cells by inhibiting telomerase and activation of c-myc and caspases leading to apoptosis [20].
  • The kinetics of lignan accumulation in blood, following 10% FS supplementation, was determined using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry [21].

Anatomical context of Lignan


Associations of Lignan with other chemical compounds

  • Flaxseed, a rich source of mammalian lignan precursor secoisolariciresinol-diglycoside (S.D.) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), has been shown to be protective at the early promotion stage of carcinogenesis [26].
  • Naphthalenic lignan lactone 3a (L-702,539), a potent and selective 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) inhibitor, is extensively metabolized at two different sites: the tetrahydropyran and the lactone rings [27].
  • Although plasma enterolactone may be useful as a biological measure of exposure to lignan-containing foods, it may be of limited use as a specific biomarker of fruit and vegetable or plant food intake because coffee, tea, and alcoholic beverages also significantly increase its plasma concentration [28].
  • Sesamin, a major lignan in sesame seeds and oil, has been known to lower blood pressure in several types of experimental hypertensive animals [29].
  • The concentration of a major lignan, secoisolariciresinol diglycoside, was determined by HPLC in 4 selected wheat cultivars (i.e., Madison, Ernie, Betty, and Arapahoe) [30].

Gene context of Lignan


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Lignan

  • Transcriptional profiling of the phenylpropanoid pathway in Pinus taeda cell suspension cultures was carried out using quantitative real time PCR analyses of all known genes involved in the biosynthesis of the two monolignols, p-coumaryl and coniferyl alcohols (lignin/lignan precursors) [36].
  • The expression in plants of dirigent proteins and proposed dirigent protein arrays in developing xylem and in other lignified tissues indicates roles for these proteins in both lignan formation and lignification [37].
  • The high negative correlation (r = -0.997, P < 0.001) between established tumor volume and urinary mammalian lignan excretion in the BD, S.D., 2.5% F and 5% F groups indicates that the reduction in tumor size is due in part to the lignans derived from the S.D. in flaxseed [26].
  • Micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) was used to separate twelve lignan compounds originating from Phyllanthus plants [38].
  • Additionally, elicitation of cell cultures with F. oxysporum extracts even triggered a strong incorporation of monolignols in the non condensed labile ether-linked lignin fraction concomitantly with a decrease in lignan and phenylcoumaran lignan accumulation [39].


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