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Cell Movement

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Disease relevance of Cell Movement


Psychiatry related information on Cell Movement


High impact information on Cell Movement


Chemical compound and disease context of Cell Movement


Biological context of Cell Movement


Anatomical context of Cell Movement


Associations of Cell Movement with chemical compounds

  • Peripheral neuronal subpopulations expressing the TrkC receptor tyrosine kinase respond to Nt3 with enhanced survival, mitogenesis or cell migration and these neurons are lost in homozygous Nt3 null (-/-) mutant mice [30].
  • Effects of LETS glycoprotein on cell motility [31].
  • The receptor binds immobilized discoidin I in the presence of 0.3 M galactose and can be eluted with gly-arg-gly-asp-his-asp, a synthetic peptide the sequence of which is found in discoidin I, and which blocks cell migration into aggregates [32].
  • The finding of this type of coactivator required for cell motility suggests a novel role for steroid hormones, in stimulating invasive cell behavior, independent of effects on proliferation [33].
  • Our results indicate that gp120 has innate biological activity as a result of a specific interaction with CD4, inducing increases in intracellular levels of inositol trisphosphate and of calcium, and in interleukin-2 receptor expression and cell motility [34].

Gene context of Cell Movement

  • These studies identify CED-12/ELMO as an upstream regulator of Rac1 that affects engulfment and cell migration from C. elegans to mammals [35].
  • In C. elegans, CED-12 is required for engulfment of dying cells and for cell migrations [35].
  • Guidance of cell migration by the Drosophila PDGF/VEGF receptor [36].
  • unc-73 is required for cell migrations and axon guidance in C. elegans and encodes overlapping isoforms of 283 and 189 kDa that are closely related to the vertebrate Trio and Kalirin proteins, respectively [37].
  • In higher eukaryotes, the small GTPase Cdc42, acting through a Par6-atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) complex, is required to establish cellular asymmetry during epithelial morphogenesis, asymmetric cell division and directed cell migration [38].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cell Movement


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