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Chemical Compound Review

Arpromidina     1-[3-(4-fluorophenyl)-3- pyridin-2-yl...

Synonyms: Arpromidine, Arpromidinum, CHEMBL293802, SureCN138015, SureCN7279923, ...
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High impact information on Arpromidine

  • Several first-generation H1R antagonists were approximately 2-fold, and arpromidine-type H1R antagonists up to approximately 10-fold more potent at gpH1R than at hH1R [1].
  • Previously, omega-guanidino- and omega-aminoalkanamides, structurally derived from arpromidine-like histamine H2 receptor agonists, were reported as novel neuropeptide Y Y1 antagonists [2].
  • In search of new chemical leads for the development of more potent NPY antagonists, a series of N,N-disubstituted omega-guanidino and omega-aminoalkanoic acid amides were synthesized on the basis of structure-activity relationships and molecular modeling studies of arpromidine and related imidazolylpropylguanidines [3].
  • A series of new positive inotropic agents was synthesized with the aim of combining the pharmacophores of the imidazolone-type phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor enoximone and guanidine-type histamine H2 receptor agonists such as arpromidine [4].
  • This action was completely reverted by the H2 agonists dimaprit and arpromidine with an IC50 value of 1 microM [5].

Biological context of Arpromidine


Associations of Arpromidine with other chemical compounds


  1. Multiple differences in agonist and antagonist pharmacology between human and guinea pig histamine H1-receptor. Seifert, R., Wenzel-Seifert, K., Burckstummer, T., Pertz, H.H., Schunack, W., Dove, S., Buschauer, A., Elz, S. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. (2003) [Pubmed]
  2. NPY Y1 antagonists: structure-activity relationships of arginine derivatives and hybrid compounds with arpromidine-like partial structures. Aiglstorfer, I., Uffrecht, A., Gessele, K., Moser, C., Schuster, A., Merz, S., Malawska, B., Bernhardt, G., Dove, S., Buschauer, A. Regul. Pept. (1998) [Pubmed]
  3. Synthesis and neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor antagonistic activity of N,N-disubstituted omega-guanidino- and omega-aminoalkanoic acid amides. Müller, M., Knieps, S., Gessele, K., Dove, S., Bernhardt, G., Buschauer, A. Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim) (1997) [Pubmed]
  4. 4-(4-Guanidinobenzoyl)-2-imidazolones and related compounds: phosphodiesterase inhibitors and novel cardiotonics with combined histamine H2 receptor agonist and PDE III inhibitor activity. Glass, D., Buschauer, A., Tenor, H., Bartel, S., Will-Shahab, L., Krause, E.G. Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim) (1995) [Pubmed]
  5. Histamine as an autocrine growth factor in experimental mammary carcinomas. Cricco, G.P., Davio, C.A., Martin, G., Engel, N., Fitzsimons, C.P., Bergoc, R.M., Rivera, E.S. Agents Actions (1994) [Pubmed]
  6. Structure-activity relationships of histamine H2-agonists, a new class of positive inotropic drugs. Buschauer, A., Baumann, G. Agents Actions Suppl. (1991) [Pubmed]
  7. Synthesis and histamine H2-agonistic activity of ring-substituted phenyl analogues of impromidine. Buschauer, A., Lachenmayr, F., Schunack, W. Die Pharmazie. (1991) [Pubmed]
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