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Chemical Compound Review

Dimaprit     3- dimethylaminopropylsulfanylmet hanimidamide

Synonyms: Tocris-0506, CHEMBL12344, AG-K-71876, BSPBio_001045, SPBio_002946, ...
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Disease relevance of Dimaprit


High impact information on Dimaprit


Chemical compound and disease context of Dimaprit


Biological context of Dimaprit

  • Topical application of the H2-histamine receptor agonist, dimaprit (S-[4-N,N-dimethylaminopropyl]isothiourea), produced eosinophil chemotaxis into the anterior segment of rabbit eyes only when an H2-antagonist was co-administered [2].
  • No significant differences, however, were detected for the basal or FK-stimulated AC enzyme activity in the control, dimaprit-, and/or cimetidine-treated groups, which suggests no impairment of the AC catalytic subunit [3].
  • 6. The effects of histamine on synaptic transmission and PPD were mimicked by the selective H3 receptor agonist R-alpha-methylhistamine (0.1-10 microM) but not by the selective H2 receptor agonist dimaprit (10 microM) [15].
  • Histamine acted via H1 receptors to increase TOH phosphorylation; the response was blocked by the H1 antagonist mepyramine and could be mimicked by the H1 agonist thiazolylethylamine, but not by the H2 agonist dimaprit [16].
  • Indeed, the entry of these progenitors into S phase that is normally promoted by dimaprit, a specific histamine H2 receptor agonist, is abolished by a preincubation with GM-CSF [17].

Anatomical context of Dimaprit


Associations of Dimaprit with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Dimaprit

  • Furthermore, since dimaprit and IBMX stimulate gastric acid secretion independently of histamine release, sst2 receptor-mediated inhibition must occur at the level of the parietal cell itself [23].
  • 2. Gastrin (1 nM-1 microM), dimaprit (10 microM-300 microM) and isobutyl methylxanthine (IBMX, 1 microM-100 microM) all caused concentration-dependent increases in acid output [23].
  • 4. The inhibitory effect of a range of SRIF analogues on gastrin-, dimaprit- and IBMX-induced acid secretion was also studied [23].
  • The histamine H2 receptor agonist, dimaprit (10 mg kg(-1), i.v.), was also without effect on the evoked mydriasis [26].
  • The H2 receptor agonist dimaprit produced a marked relaxation [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dimaprit


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  11. The antianaphylactic action of histamine H2-receptor agonists in the guinea-pig isolated heart. Blandina, P., Brunelleschi, S., Fantozzi, R., Giannella, E., Mannaioni, P.F., Masini, E. Br. J. Pharmacol. (1987) [Pubmed]
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